I hope work as a relation is friendship.
I hope work as a relation becomes less dominated by fear.
I hope work as a relation is trying again.
I worry that work relations become increasingly strategic.
I worry work relations are undermined by competition.
I hope that work relations can be structured differently than merely through market logic.
I hope work as a relation is collective daydreaming.
I worry about the strategic cruelty of professionals.
I wonder what parasites do to work relations.
I worry that work as a relation is defined by efficiency.
I hope work as a relation can transgress networking logics.
I hope we start building packs.
I hope work as a relation is based on trust.
I worry that work as a relation is dominated by opportunism.
I hope that work as a relation is making space for togetherness.
I hope work as a relation has more time to unfold.
I hope that work as a relation can balance fears.
I worry about how much is excluded in current work relations.
I hope that decision-making is shared in work-relations.
I worry about abusive work relations.
I wonder what complicity does to work relations.
I worry that work as a relation is affected by opportunistic strategies.
I worry that work as a relation is affected by an increasing unequal distribution of resources.
I hope that work as a relation embraces the unpredictable.
I hope that work as a relation gives shelter for the not yet fully grown, not fully developed ideas, desires, plans and people.
I hope that work as a relation can also handle deals.
I hope that work as a relation can recuperate patience again.
I worry that work as a relation is overpowered by expectations.
I worry that work as a relation has been replaced by functions and positions.
I hope we can work side by side.
I hope that work as a relation gives more space to everyone.
I worry that intimacy can be abused in work relations.
I hope that we do not lose respect for the other.
I hope work as a relation nurtures solidarity.
I hope that work as a relation is growing.
I wonder how to think about the future of work relations.
I hope that work as a relation gives enough time for listening.
I hope that work as a relation leads to joint forces.
I hope work as a relation invites [ex]change.
I hope work as a relation becomes more caring.
I hope we can also let go of work relations.
I hope.
Hope as being committed to a proposal as a practice of respect.
Hope as listening.
Hope as witchcraft that names and invites those who are missing.
Hope as a sensing and working with different energy levels.
Hope as a practice to unfold something powerful.
Hope as picking up and joining ideas of different people as a practice of mutual engagement.
Hope as sharing worries, dreams and personal longings as a practice of trust.
Hope as awareness of the importance of protecting, nourishing and letting the inside grow to open up to the outside.
Hope as a being open and curious towards others as a practice of being non-judgemental.
Hope as acknowledging the fragility of embryonic encounters as a practice of protecting.
Hope as making space despite fear.
Hope as a practice of spacing.
Hope as a practice of bricolage.
Hope as exploring the threshold that in- and excludes instead of reproducing it.
Hope as rejecting the power of the factual.
Hope as dancing as a practice of togetherness, that does not need words.
Hope as focussing on interest and fascination instead of achievement and expertise.
Hope as a practice of rendering the unknown as a lateral presence that does not give answers but determines action.
Hope as experimenting with transgressing the own boundaries as a practice of taking risks.
Hope as being prepared to be disappointed.
Hope as remaining prepared to be affected to affect.